
ECOM Proof Your E-Commerce Business Partner
Our Services

Take Your Business to the next Level

At ECOM Proof, we are passionate about utilizing AI techniques to take your business to the next level of success. With our innovative strategies and cutting-edge technology, we can create personalized experiences, identify new opportunities for growth, and stay ahead of the competition. Let us help you achieve your highest potential and unlock the full power of AI for your ecommerce business.

Online Store Managment

Managing an online store can be a difficult and challenging task. There are numerous online shopping platforms today, ranging from running your own store through Shopify OR WooCommerce , using marketplace like Amazon and many others.
Each of these platforms has its own intricacies and tools which have to be mastered in order to efficiently operate an online store.
Being able to maximize profits while ensuring customer satisfaction is essential for any successful venture. With efficient shop management solutions, entrepreneurs can make their store run smoother and improve profitability.

Lead Generation

Lead generation requires understanding the customer journey, identifying opportunities to engage potential customers at several stages of their journey and creating a comprehensive marketing funnel.
Businesses must identify effective lead generation techniques that best fit their product or service. This could include email campaigns, SEO optimization and social media outreach, as well as leveraging loyalty programs to build customer relationships over time. Understanding how customers discover and engage with your offering can help businesses ensure each part of the funnel converts into qualified leads.


In the age of Artificial Intelligence, the number of available platforms for advertising is endless. But there is a data-driven solution to determine which platform is the best for your company.
Use our expertise to figure out who your best customer targets are, till finally selecting the perfect advertising platform for the best return on investment possible

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimize your e-commerce website today! Increase organic visibility and convert more customers by using our search engine optimization service. Includes website audits and consultations, keyword analysis and research, on-page optimization, off-page optimization and more.

Social Media Management

With ECOM Proof social media management you will be able to Define your target audience and create effective ads that resonate with them. Utilize retargeting ads, lookalike audiences, user-generated content, influencer marketing, discounts, and call-to-action to drive conversions. Continuously analyze and optimize your campaigns to ensure you're achieving your highest targets for your eCommerce store.